
Friday, 01.10.04 20:13 Uhr

TSE examination 12884: Earthquake actuated automatic gas shut-off devices

Category: Projekte
By: Juergen Przybylak
secty lifePatron® fulfills the TSE norm 12884 according to the Turkish standard and receives the admittance for the gas switching off at seismic movements (earthquakes) for Turkey.

The admittance examination took place for the Federal Institute of materials research and examination (BAM) under management of TÜV Rheinland Group in Berlin at the end of October 2004. ( Link: BAM, TÜV Rheinland Group)

The function ability of the safe gas switching off of secty secty lifePatron® was tested successfully in the climatic chamber by using electric solenoid valves of the company DUNGS®. The test was carried out under earthquake conditions at temperatures between -18 degrees Celsius and +51,5 degrees Celsius and at angular positions between 0° and 135°. ( Link: Dungs)

For the test execution secty lifePatron® and valve technology were assembled on an adapter table developed for this especially. The adapter table was screwed together tightly with the on-instep platform of the piston rod of a hydraulics cylinder. By means of the hydraulics cylinder the seismic vibrations have been feigned. About the described test construction the climatic chamber was placed. ( Link: offene Klimakammer)


Dr. Switaiski von der TÜV Rheinland Group erläutert Arif Cem Gürkan vom Türk Standartlary Enstitüsü (TSE) die Messergebnisse aus dem Schwingungsversuch geschlossene Klimakammer